Payroll giving and grant distribution

Support causes your team really cares about

Payroll giving made simple

Grant distribution to local causes

Donate to charities that matter to you

Tax-free 0
payroll giving 0

Support employees' regular charity donations with tax-free payroll giving to create more impact.

Causes your team 0
0 care about

Easy implementation to make sure you are covering all the causes close to the hearts of your team.

Give to 0 charities
in your community 0

Use our network to find both large and grass-roots charities in your area for grant distribution.

The numbers


Payroll giving is becoming more popular: Payroll Giving Week sign-ups increased 87% between 2021 and 2022

Payroll Giving Month


Approximately $5 billion is raised through workplace giving each year in the US



of professionals aged 18-34 gave through a workplace program in 2020, compared to 37% of professionals overall

Deloitte Workplace Giving Trends Survey


Employees who engage in corporate giving programmes tend to have 75% longer tenures with their companies
