Feel the Eco Love

Ready to show the planet some love? Our upcoming campaign does just that. 

Eco Love runs from 18 March to 28 April this year, celebrating all things good for the planet! Setting you up for Earth Week on 21 April, we’re warming up so the planet doesn’t have to.

We’ve split our lifestyle changes into 3 categories: diet, home, and out-of-doors. So, whether you’re making eco changes at the dinner table, or switching up how you interact with the world outside your house, we’ve got something for you!

And, even better, we’ve got prizes on the line. Complete any 10 missions during our Eco Love campaign period (that’s 18 March to 28 April) and we’ll plant 10 extra trees in your company forest! How’s that for planet-saving?

Check out some of our fab pledges below.

Diet picks for you & the planet

🥛 Use A Dairy Alternative: Swap the dairy for oat, soya, almond, coconut, rice, or something else equally as exciting!

🥗 Veggie Power Month: Eat vegetarian for a whole month. Don’t forget to track in-app!

🌱 Plant Power Month: Eat plant-based for a whole month. Think you can do it?

🥕 Grow Your Own Veg: Live off the land by farming your own veggies. Carrots, potatoes, kale, onions – what’s your favourite?

🥗 Veggie Dinners: A little easier than Veggie Power Month, swap 3 meaty meals for veggie meals during the week!

🐟 Choose Sustainably Caught Seafood: Commercial fishing has a huge impact on our oceans. Make sure your seafood is sustainably caught.

🥔 Choose Seasonal Produce: Buying local, seasonal veg cuts down on outsourcing, leading to a happier planet.

🥑 Choose Organic: Not only is it good for you, organic food has far less impact on the ecosystem than processed food!

Home picks for you & the planet

🧺 Hang Out: Instead of tumble drying, hang out your clean washing and let Mother Nature do the job!

🥶 Cool Clothes: Turning your washing machine down to 30℃ creates less CO2e, as well as preserving your clothes for longer.

🚿 2 Minute Shower: Take the challenge to seriously cut down your shower time!

💧 Reuse Water Waste: Before you chuck out that unused pasta water, think about what else you could do with it. 

🍽️ No Dish Rinse: Trust your dishwasher! You don’t need to rinse your plates before they go in the dishwasher.

🫖 Half Full Kettle: Only fill your kettle with the water you need for your cuppa.

🌱 Get Composting: Give back to the planet by throwing your food scraps onto a compost heap.

💡 Green Switch: Keep an eye out for a greener electricity provider. You could save both energy and money!

Out-of-doors picks for you & the planet

🛍️ Reusable Bag: Don’t forget to bring your trusty bag to the shops, so you don’t need to buy a plastic one!

💻 Take Digital Notes: Swap the paper for a screen to save waste and keep your info organised.

♻️ Zero Hero Week: Be a Zero Hero this week – that is, a zero plastic hero! Avoid buying all plastic.

🚘 Carpool To Work: Share a journey with a co-worker to cut down on car emissions on your commute!

🌍 Climate Chatter: Spread the word about the climate crisis. Share an anecdote, repost an inspiring quote, chat to a friend – just spread awareness!

💦 Reusable Water Bottle: Ditch plastic bottles and reuse a trusty metal or glass bottle.

☕ Coffee Monster: Prevent takeaway coffee cups from ending up in landfill by bringing your own thermos to your favourite café!

🚆 Train Beats Plane Hols: Next time you’re thinking of flying to your holiday destination, consider if you can chug there by train instead.

🚴 Pedal Pusher: Hop on that bike and fly along your work or leisure commute!

🚌 Bus It: Swap a car journey for a bus journey instead.

♻️ Recycle Soft Plastic: You can’t recycle soft plastic at home, but you can recycle it in some supermarkets!

🚶 Walk To Work: Get your steps in by swapping transport for your own two feet. 

💚 Solo Eco Clean: Get out in your local area for a litter pick! Whether it’s twenty minutes or two hours, every bit of litter helps.

💚 Team Eco Clean: Organise a team eco clean to promote team bonding while doing something great for the planet.

Get started today

You don’t have to wait for our campaign to begin on 18 March to start showing the eco love! Why not pick up a pledge today to get you in the mood? Watch your carbon footprint shrink through the smallest of lifestyle changes.

We’re all about small actions for big impact, so take the pledge, reduce your CO2e, and feel the eco love. Oh, and start thinking about those 10 extra trees. What better motivation is there?


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